"What we in the judiciary most need is patience,
meekness, compassion, and courage to
'Do Right and Fear Not.'"

Chief Justice Weaver 9/28/00
Current Topics
Justice Weaver's Investiture Ceremony

About Justice Weaver

Throughout Justice Elizabeth "Betty" Weaver's over 32 years of experience as a trial and appellate judge (Probate/Juvenile, Court of Appeals, Supreme Court), including 2 years as Chief Justice, she has maintained a proven record based on these major practices:
Exercising Judicial Restraint
Applying Common Sense

A fundamental tenet of her stand for jusitice is to hold wrong-doers accountable and responsible for their actions, while providing opportunities for them to discover and develop their own self-worth and to become law-abiding, productive citizens.

In exercising judicial restraint (interpreting, not making, the law -- judicial self-discipline), Justice Weaver has followed the law as constitutionally passed by the legislature and consistent with the rulings of the U.S. Supreme Court. She has used the responsibility of interpretation, not as a sword to superimpose her own personal views (or those of special interest groups) on the law, but as a shield to protect the constitutional rights of the people and the constitutional acts of the legislative and executive branches.

Click here to read Michigan Court of Appeals Judge, Donald S. Owens’s Remarks as Presenter at the Induction of Justice Weaver into the Michigan Women’s Hall of Fame on October 25, 2005.

Click here to read Justice Weaver’s Remarks upon her Induction into the Michigan Women’s Hall of Fame.

Press Release - 6/10/2005

Press Release - 1/13/2005

In November 2002, Justice Weaver won re-election for a second 8-year term on the Michigan Supreme Court.

This site provides information about her experience, credentials, principles, and major initiatives for the State of Michigan.

Check this site often for up-to-date press releases and other information about important work going on in the Supreme Court of Michigan.


Below is the full text of Justice Weaver's Investiture Ceremony upon joining the Court.


JANUARY 1, 1995

MR. CORBIN DAVIS (Clerk of the Supreme Court): Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye, Supreme Court of the state of Michigan is now in special session.

CHIEF JUSTICE BRICKLEY: Welcome to you all, to this very special session of the Michigan Supreme Court, and what an auspicious beginning of this year for the state of Michigan, for the Supreme Court, certainly for the administration of justice, and for all of us here in the state of Michigan. Let us begin, if you will, with the pledge to the flag. I am going to ask that Alec Taylor and Jacob Williamson come forward, please, with the aid of Julia Joy Williamson. (The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.)

CHIEF JUSTICE BRICKLEY: Now, I am going to introduce someone whose territory we are in today, that is, the probate judge of Ingham County, the Honorable Donald S. Owens.

JUDGE OWENS: Thank you very much all of you. Welcome to Lansing and Ingham County. We are delighted to have you here on this auspicious occasion. All of you are distinguished guests and honored guests at this swearing in. We will take just a few minutes to introduce a few of you. You all should be introduced, that’s true, but that would, unfortunately, take too long, so we will introduce just a few. If I miss anybody, the fault is mine and not Judge WEAVER’s. If you will stand, please, when I call your name.

From the Supreme Court, we have the Honorable JAMES BRICKLEY, and the Honorable CHARLES LEVIN is also here, and retired Justice THOMAS BRENNAN is also with us. Michigan Court of Appeals Judges: the Honorable MYRON WAHLS, MAURA CORRIGAN, and HENRY SAAD. Retired judges, the Honorable ROBERT DANHOF and the Honorable GLENN ALLEN.

From the Circuit Courts of our state, the Honorable Robert Anderson from Pontiac, Sixth Circuit, James Kallman, retired, Ingham County, and Kurtis Wilder from the Washtenaw Circuit.

From the probate bench, Betty’s original bench, we have the Honorable Marvin Robertson from Clinton County, John Unger from Antrim County, Thomas Eggleston from Newaygo County, Clayton Preisel from Lapeer County, Jack Arnold from Gratiot County, Joseph Costello from Monroe County, Kathryn Root from Oscoda County, Pamela Moskwa from Monroe County, and Antonio Viviano from Macomb County. Retired judges, Dwight Cheever from Allegan County, Gladys Barsamian retired probate judge from Wayne County, and William McCready from Iosco County.



"What we in the judiciary most need is patience, meekness, compassion, and courage to 'Do Right and Fear Not.'"

Chief Justice Weaver
State of the Judiciary

"She is bringing a fresh, dedicated, incisive mind to the Michigan Supreme Court."
Judge Myron Wahls
Court of Appeals

"I know Betty Weaver. She threw me in jail....But I would vote for her, because she...straightened me out, and the sentence was just."
Former convicted juvenile offender

"Your judicial experience...was outstanding. Your leadership abilities...have been impressive. There is sound reasoning for my full confidence in you as a justice."
Mary S. Coleman
Chief Justice 1978-82

Judge Weaver has been recognized in many ways for her public service, including selection as one of five outstanding young women in Michigan by the Michigan Jaycees. It is a pleasure for myself to recognize Judge Weaver as a capable and devoted public servant.
G. Mennen Williams
Chief Justice 1982-86


This web site is funded entirely by Justice Weaver as her own personal expression wholly independent of the
Supreme Court's official business. Sources cited and credits given as appropriate for all material quoted.
Copyright © 2001 - 2024 Elizabeth A. Weaver  All rights reserved.